CANSO, one of Expodronica´s partner, is the responsible for a great panel on “Integration of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Operations”

Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is a new concept of air transportation which covers passenger and cargo transport as well as other aerial missions in urban, regional, and interregional. AAM will use electric vertical take-off and landing (eVTOL) which may be powered by hybrid electric systems, batteries or potentially hydrogen fuel cells.

AAM could relieve traffic and allow people to live much further from their office in the cities, while still being out the door and at their work in about a half hour. 

What are the main challenges for the safe, efficient, fair and sustainable integration of AAM operations?

The panel will be composed by:

  • Parimal Kopardekar (Director of NASA Aeronautics Research Institute)

  • Antoine MARTIN (New ATM Services, programme director | DGAC/DSNA)

  • Maurizio Trezza (Head of UAM and UTM department in Everis aerospace and defense)

  • Jörn Jaeger, (Airspace Integration (ATM/UTM) and Infrastructure at Volocopter)

CANSO, uno de los socios de Expodronica, será el responsable del interesante panel “Integration of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Operations”

Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) es un nuevo concepto de transporte aéreo que aborda tanto el transporte de pasajeros como el de mercancías , además de otras acciones a nivel urbano, regional  e interregional. AAM utiliza aparatos de despegue y aterrizaje eléctrico y vertical (eVTOL) que están provistos de sistemas eléctricos híbridos , baterías o sistemas de hidrógeno

El AAM puede aliviar mucho tráfico y permitir a los ciudadanos vivir más lejos de sus puestos de trabajo y estar a 30 minutos de desde sus casas

¿Cuáles son los principales desafíos para unas operaciones AAM más seguras, eficientes y sostenibles?

El panel estará compuesto por:

  • Parimal Kopardekar (Director de NASA Aeronautics Research Institute)

  • Antoine MARTIN (New ATM Services, programme director | DGAC/DSNA)

  • Maurizio Trezza (Head of UAM and UTM department in Everis aerospace and defense)

  • Jörn Jaeger, (Airspace Integration (ATM/UTM) and Infrastructure at Volocopter)
