DJI and Elistair drones will fly at Expodrónica 2021

DJI and Elistair drones will fly at Expodrónica 2021

DJI will fly their drones with thermographic camera and Elistair will exhibit and fly its drone Orion  DJI Drone with the thermographic camera USE CASE FOB Surveillance Defence Applications for Tethered Unmanned Aerial Systems (T-UAS)        ...
Liability and Insurance in drone operators

Liability and Insurance in drone operators

Mesa redonda: “PROPUESTAS REGULADORAS EN TORNO A LA RESPONSABILIDAD Y EL ASEGURAMIENTO DE LOS OPERADORES DE DRONES” Modera: Dra. Elisa González Ferreiro Directora. Observatorio Jurídico Aeroespacial AEDAE & UCM GIESA BIOLAW. Presidenta Asociación...
The best drone projects in Europe

The best drone projects in Europe

Expodrónica 2021 will be the best showcase to know the best drone projects in Europe   UAS New Technologies at Red Cervera iMOV3D One of the great speaker worldwide on drones, the awarded engineer and expert on Aerial Robotics, Aníbal Ollero will be at...
NASA will be at EXPODRONICA 2021

NASA will be at EXPODRONICA 2021

CANSO, one of Expodronica´s partner, is the responsible for a great panel on “Integration of Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) Operations” Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) is a new concept of air transportation which covers passenger and cargo transport as well as other aerial...